It seems like a simple skill, but many people forget to prepare for it. If you spend all your time struggling with the keyboard, you’re not going to have much time left to write a good essay.
That makes podcasts better for listening comprehension practice than watching movies or TV shows in English. Understanding a recording is harder than understanding a video because there aren’t the same context clues. You can also develop your speaking skills by playing back parts of the podcast and trying to mimic the pronunciation of the speaker. Listening to native English speakers speaking English at their natural speed will develop your listening comprehension.

Being able to take notes confidently and record all the important pieces of information in real time will be a huge help to you on your TOEFL test, but also in your future studies. Pay attention to things that may seem elementary like the layout of your notes and the legibility of your handwriting. Try with a variety of different audio clips of different lengths and levels of complexity, then listen to the clip again and see how accurate your notes are. Your goal is to learn to take notes in real time, without missing anything the speaker is saying. You can practice taking notes in your native language or in English. Because you cannot replay the audio, you need to become a good note taker. You will then have to answer questions, speak, or write on the subject you heard about. Become a good note taker: During the TOEFL, you only get to listen to audio clips once.Here are 5 TOEFL preparation strategies that I have found effective: There’s nothing to be done about any of that, but beginning to prepare for the TOEFL well in advance is one of the best things you can do to reduce your level of stress on test day.

You might not have slept well the night before. Taking the TOEFL is almost always a stressful experience.